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KY-810A 重油污清洗剂-点击查看详情

KY-810A 重油污清洗剂-点击查看详情





产品特性: A型: 适用清洗铸铁丶碳钢丶不锈钢等材质.

外观:金黄色透明液体 比重:1.22±0.05 PH值:≧8

B型: 中性清洗剂--适用清洗铜丶铝等有色金属材质.

外观:淡黄色透明液体 比重:1.16±0.05 PH值:8±0.5


使用方法:机械设备采用循环清洗的方法,视具体情况,按照5~20%比例稀释本品,用清水泵循环清洗,温度:50℃左右,也可直接使用;用水稀释本品后,可以放入工件浸泡使用,也用低压泵喷射器(手压喷壶)喷雾, 直接将本品均匀喷洒于油污表面,使之湿透,作用3-4分钟,用布轻擦即可.

This is the force heavy greasy dirt cleanser, mainly uses in cleaning each metal hard-faced grease stains filthy pollutant the special-purpose environmental protection product. This and so on helps the medicinal preparation configuration by many kinds of surface active agent dot penetrant dot alkaloid to become, can the instantaneous fast decomposition stubborn oil material, during elimination dirt, kill extinguishes the microorganism fungus.

Application scope: Machinery on and so on air compressor dryer lubricant dot heat conduction oil system carbon deposit dot each kind of mechanical dot work pieces, engine bed yellow gown, ships, automobile repair shop.

Application method: The mechanical device uses the circulation clean the method, regards the special details, dilutes according to 5~20% proportion this, circulates the clean with the clear water pump, the temperature: 50℃ about, also may use directly; After the water used dilutes this, may put in the work piece immersion use, also uses the low press pump ejector (hand to press spray can) to atomize, this evenly sprays directly in the greasy dirt surface, causes it to soak, affects 3-4 minute, scratches lightly with the cloth then.

包装与储存: 化工塑料桶装 每桶25㎏ 30㎏ 200㎏可按客户要求包装,应储存在清洁、干燥、通风阴凉的仓库内 , 堆垛高度不得超过二层 , 远离火、热源。储存期限自生产之日起为二年。

注意事项: 本品刺激皮肤,避免使之与皮肤丶眼睛和衣物接触,处理本品时,需戴胶手套和防护眼睛


Matters needing attention: This stimulation skin, avoids causing it with the skin dot eye and the clothing contact, when processes this, must wear the rubber glove and protection eye being sure not swallows into!